Counting Time in Dog Years / Räkna tid i hundår is an expression with many meanings. By contrasting dog years to human years, we realize that time is a construction. A dog year is often used to describe a year of hard work and sacrifices.
The works of art in the exhibition Counting Time in Dog Years examine, among other things, aspects of time in relation to material and place. The works challenge preconceived ideas and open up for other worlds and interpretations. Grounded in the photographic medium, the artists use technical, historical, popular cultural and theoretical perspectives to broaden our idea of photography.
Images: Hendrik Zeitler
Participants: Mathilda Björk, Ivar Brandels, PeiPei Chen, Linnéa Cramer, Camilla Fredin, Charlotta Gavelin, Alexander Gustaf-Thompson, Nanna Hammer Tiittanen, Josefin Hasselberg, Sian Hedberg, Alice Hedström, Ingrid Jacobsen, Anna Julkunen, Clara Ketter, Celeste Knirke Arnstedt, Linea Kornum Rask, Kalle Lantz, Alexandra Lige, Emi Linna, Einar Mølmann Fuglem, Ela Polkowska, Marcus Reistad, Alberto Rossi, Markus Rusdal, Lea Stuedahl, Jaana Erika Sundström, Lea Maja Thorsen, Josefine Velling, Kristina Žetko, Petronella Åslund.